Tuition!! (Friday)

Went there early. As you can see, there's no one except me and a guy outside doing ntg XD

He's trying to fix the photastat machine. Haih noob lahhh XD Wan me help ma? Act pro only lah uuuu XD
This guy is meannnn ==
u dun have to know why XD
Mr.Sho... The teacher, and aun hua ( the guy who's standing) XD
He's helping me to hand in my paper. Lazy walk lahhh XD
The students all dam rajin doing their questions. Aun hua and I finished ours.
Ah Wennn havent done hers. Very rajin wehh wennn XD
SaturdayI love this day man XD
Went there around 6.34pm.
Ymun and wai wai spam call me wehh...
Wah I dam popular lorrr XD (JK)
Em! Then leh... Reach D lor.. Ymun like dam bu suang weh XD
'Cos Im late XD
Made her wait for me ><
Sryyyy lorrrrr
She dam HOT lor! Wear mini skirt wehhhh! I look at her like this (0.0)
Then we walk to the ittalianese lor...
On the way walk there hor, saw jun wai and andrew walking to ittalianese too!
wahseh Andrew change alot d.... Skinny liao XD
Went in saw Samantha and ming shun ONLY!
Ymun said we were late some more =="


Wai wai! Aiyerrr why look there??? Nvm! Take pic of mun mun!

Mun mun.... Where u look... haihhhhh... Nvm take pic of Andrew!

Andreww! But he
shyyy XD haha

The food! Omg had pizza for lunch now pizza again for dinner ==
LOL! The food there yumm!
The price there AHHHH!
LOL i hope u know wad i meant by yum and ahh XD
HAHA! So the 3 smart girls which is yling, ymun and syee share D pizza.
Cheaper. We're so DAM SMART.

Yling!! My std 2 until now best buddy XD
She loveeeeeee the camera! Unlike ymun,andrew and Jwai... haih haih haih XD

The goodlooking guys and pretty girls at another table XD

The 4 dudes walking infront while the babes and the other 2 dudes followed behind.
At cinieleisure.
Omg they dont know where they're going.
We just followed behind.
OMg wehh... Walk one circle only XD
Then went up and walk one circle again then they take pic.
The pics at ymun's camera. So no pic to upload D XD
Wa I wack my pet bro like siao ( Kenneth) XD He dam dam dam dam TALL!!!!!!! Omgggggg.
All the guys tall tall O.O
Then they go play snooker ==
Parents called. Need go home D. Asked Andrew and jun wai to accompany me down XD
Wahseh I miss them so muchhh T__T
Walk down D escalator dam sad liao >.<
Then go home D.
Hope to see them again soon XD
sue yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD